About Us
Welcome to Union Bible College and Academy! I’m thrilled you are visiting our website. I believe God has directed you to us and I pray He will continue to speak to you concerning your relationship with UBCA.
For over 160 years, our Academy has been shaping the lives of young people and for more than 110 of those years our college has been “Changing the World with the Unchanging Word!”
The success of UBCA can be measured best through our Alumni, a group of Christian men and women that are concretely conservative, biblically grounded, and academically qualified. Our graduates have helped to shape their communities, our movement, and the world for the cause of Jesus Christ!
We invite you to explore our website and to visit our historic campus, nestled in beautiful Westfield, IN. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Vice-President of Institutional Advancement, Phil Hoard, at (317) 896-9324, ext. 155.
Dr. C. Adam Buckler, President
Our Mission Statement
Union Bible College, an institution of higher education, is committed to the propagation of scriptural holiness and the preparation of servant leaders who change the world with the unchanging Word.

The History of Union Bible College
While Americans in general were troubled with the problems of a great civil war, a group of concerned Friends in the little town of Westfield, Indiana, had other preoccupations. They were deeply interested in the education and spiritual well-being of their young people. Thus, in 1860 a two-story brick building was erected with great sacrifice to house the Union High Academy. The first class sessions were held on January 7, 1861. This was one of the first institutions of secondary education in this area. Here young people were educated in a Christian atmosphere. Many of the graduates became ministers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and leaders of their generation.
With the establishment of public schools, the enrollment of Union High Academy began to diminish. It appeared that the doors would have to close after fifty years of operation. However, the Friends in the area were still interested in the education of their young people. Some had the vision of a training school for ministers and missionaries as well as an academy. God, in His providence, brought William M. Smith to Westfield. Being very unimpressed with the prospects of operating such a school in this location, Brother Smith was inclined to refuse the offer made by the school committee, but then God spoke. That settled the question, and Union Bible Seminary was founded in May, 1911.
In 1980 Union Bible Seminary was moved to a completely interdenominational basis, in order to fully move out of the Friends background and into the larger Holiness movement. While we appreciate our Friends heritage, we now serve all denominations. The name was officially changed to Union Bible College in June, 1989. This change more accurately portrays its mission in training Christian young people on a college level. UBC has played a very important role in the advancement of the Holiness Movement. Many successful pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers have been graduates of UBC. The training of men and women in the Word of God has been and continues to be the strength of the church and the hope of a dying world needing the Gospel; UBC plays an integral part in such ministry.
Institutional Goals
It is the desire of the administration, faculty, and staff that each student who enrolls at Union Bible College receive a high-quality, Bible-centered education in a spiritual atmosphere. The student should experience:
1. A biblical knowledge, faith, and lifestyle that develops the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social dimensions; that appreciates the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit; and that practices acceptable etiquette, giving proper attention to student needs.
2. Academic programs that will prepare students for life in accordance with God’s calling.
3. An understanding of Wesleyan-Arminian theology enabling students to accurately communicate the heritage that they have received.
4. An education that prepares an individual to go out into the harvest field, evangelizing the lost, and discipling them to make a difference in the world for Christ.
5. The opportunity to begin ministry in a variety of settings, such as churches, Christian schools, conventions, camp meetings, outreach ministries, and summer missionary work.
6. An understanding of a diversity of worldviews as a foundation to determine the superiority of the Christian worldview.
7. An engagement in critical, analytical thinking that will enable the student to make careful assessments and draw clear conclusions.
8. A culture of effectiveness in reaching the goal of excellence in all things.
9. A Christian model of servant leadership that demonstrates integrity in all areas of life.
10. Institutional consistency in all facets of operation and communication.

We believe that the Bible is God’s written revelation to the human family and is “given by inspiration of God,” thus making it His infallible and inerrant Word which is the final authority regarding the doctrines we believe and the duties we practice.
We believe that God subsists from everlasting to everlasting, manifesting Himself as Father, Son,and Holy Spirit, being equal in essence, but different in office and personhood.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. Without laying aside His deity He took upon Himself flesh and blood that He might provide atonement for sin through His death upon the cross. Having risen from the dead, Jesus ascended into Heaven and is now at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us as our great High Priest.
We also believe that Jesus will return again to rapture His bride, the saints of God, from the earth.The fact of His return is certain, but the time of His coming is not. Therefore, we are admonished to be ready, “for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
We believe that the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, proceeds from the Father and theSon and is Christ’s “other Self.” He is the Paraclete, the Comforter, the One who reproves “the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment”. He is “the Spirit of truth”; and guides God’s children “into all truth”. He also takes the things of the Father and the Son and reveals them unto us. His ministry does not involve the glorification of Himself but rather the exaltation of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Triune Godhead is actively involved in the work of salvation. God the Father planned our redemption. God the Son is the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”. God the Spirit applies the atoning blood to the seeker who meets God’s conditions.
We believe that Christ’s atonement is universally extensive, sufficient for the entire human family.Therefore, Christ is the Savior of all men provisionally, but experientially He is only the Savior of those who repent and believe. The miracle of conversion entails several facets:
there is justification or the forgiveness of all past sins;
there is regeneration or the impartation of eternal life;
there is adoption or a change in family relationship; and, finally,
there is the witness of the Spirit or an internal assurance. Conversion or the new birth is sometimes called the first work of grace. It deals with the acts of sin and enables one to live above the practice of sin.
- We also believe that the atoning blood of Christ has a provision for a second definite work of grace wherein the believer who has been justified(and initially sanctified) can be entirely sanctified. This crisis work of grace is wrought instantaneously by the baptism with the Holy Spirit, whereby the believer is cleansed from the carnal mind and filled with the Spirit. The evidence that one has been regenerated or entirely sanctified is not found in any kind of external manifestation but in the internal witness of the Spirit.
- We believe that salvation is “by grace through faith and not of works lest any man should boast”.However, once we are saved, works become an important outflow of a right relationship to God,for “faith without works is dead”. God’s people are “zealous of good works”. We are not saved to simply enjoy salvation; rather, we are saved to serve the Lord God and we often serve Him as we serve others. As servants of God, we are enjoined with various responsibilities as well as privileges.
- One of our greatest responsibilities (and privileges) is the exercise of prayer along with Bible study. In order to retain salvation,one must maintain daily devotions. But prayer must go beyond one’s personal needs; it must include intercession in behalf of others.
- Another responsibility resting upon all believers is the matter of outreach or winning souls to the Savior. We are our brother’s keeper. We must be missionary-minded for the needs at home and abroad. The world is truly our parish.
- We also believe that Christians are in the world, but not of the world. The call of God is clear:“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” There must be a clear‑cut line of demarcation between the world and the church. We must renounce this world’s fads and fashions. We are separated from the world and to the Savior.
We believe human beings are created, in the image of God, male and female. We believe these complementary distinctions of gender are necessary for many aspects of human existence,including a proper understanding of human sexuality. We believe biblical sexuality promotes partnership, pleasure, and procreation, when expressed within the parameters of marriage (the life long union of one man and one woman.) Therefore, we seek to cultivate a community in which sexual behavior is embraced and explained according to biblical standards.
Contact Us
P.O. Box 900
Union Bible College
434 South Union Street,
Westfield, IN 46074
(317) 896-9324